Monday, April 15, 2013

Grants, Contests, and More

It’s hard to muster your visual teaching kung fu without a document camera of your own! Use these opportunities to make things happen for your classroom. I will keep you posted as other companies step up to the plate for schools. Here are the only opportunities I can find for the Spring of 2013 to win or earn a document camera or other freebie for your school or classroom:

  1. ELMO Lesson Idea Contest (Contest extended through the end of April)
  2. Recordex Free Wireless Tablet Offer (for the cost of shipping, when you buy an entry-level document camera/one per school; use the promotion code SCE12 with any online retailer)
  3. Samsung Superhero Competition (Deadlines May 31 and November 30)
  4. Samsung Lesson Plan Contest (Deadline May 1)
For now, I want to give kudos to the companies above. But let’s just say that document camera companies should do much more than they are doing if they want to reach schools. Document camera companies should offer regular and creative contests, grants, and freebies to struggling schools. Once a school or department gets a successful implementation going, it is certain to spread. Sometimes they just need to prime the pump. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Stop n' Go

Stop n' Go      Pas a Pas      Step by Step

Is this a type of document camera technology –or not? Is it a type of Doc-Casting –or not? Decide for yourself. 


And please consider two important points: 
  1. It's April Fool's Day.
  2. This is a real product. See their Pas a Pas website.